Coastal Construction Control Line
The Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) is
a regulatory line established by the State of Florida to control
construction in the areas of beaches and shore line. Property
that is encumbered by the CCCL is subject to not only special
building conditions but also plan review and approval by the
local governing agency and the State of Florida as well. The
location of the line on the property is a requirement of
permitting. This ensures review and approval by the State for
any construction on the beach in this area.
The CCCL is comparable to a building set back line. It is not a
property line. However, the special building construction
requirements as well as where you can place the home on the
property are significant restrictions to the property. So much
so that the owners of beach front property are required to
disclose if the CCCL affects the property or not in a sale.